Springfield Fire Dept. - RMX Center 20'
Joseph S. Zaludek, Deputy Chief of Special Operations, Cities of Eugene & Springfield, OR, Feb. 2013
"Thank you for getting the boat repaired quickly and expertly. I appreciate your willingness to test drive the boat with Leldon and dial in the wedges. This boat has helped our crews save more than 8 people that were in the process of going under the surface trapped in strainers or obstructions and we have ferried dozens more to safety that would have been in serious distress without our assistance. The boats that you and your team manufacture have increased the safety and our crews and are directly responsible for saving lives. I know that your team takes pride in their workmanship and attention to detail, I just want them to know that we consider them an important part of the rescue team and that their incredible talents and abilities are greatly appreciated."

Brown RMX 23
Glenn Brown, October 2013
"The boat I have now is a 23' RMX. Doug and his crew were great to work with while planning and during the build. 8.1 and 212 Hamilton (engines) are a great combo. The boat handles great and I couldn't ask for anything more. Well, maybe another Riddle Boat. I have had people run their hands over the welds, and then comment on how nice everything is finished. Thanks for a great boat. Until the next BUILD."

Bergen RMX 21
Gary Bergen, October 2013
"My first jet boat was not a Riddle, but Riddle Marine did the service on it for me. Their customer service alone was enough for me to be a lifetime customer, but upon seeing the quality of their boats, their willingness to design/build boats to the customer's specifications, and their masterful skill at building boats there was no doubt that I had to have one. My second boat was a custom built RMX and I guarantee any boat in my future will too."

Miller - RMX Center Console 23
Bryan & Tammy Miller, March 2013
"Thank you, Riddle Marine....still so thankful for the great work on our boat. Still lovin' it... we couldn't be happier!"